Clarity of vision... Clarity of vision... Clarity of vision... Clarity of vision...
Clarity of vision...
If you're confused about IT in your business Definition may be able to help.
The Problem
The Problem
Is IT getting in the way of your business?

Are you getting frustrated with IT in your organisation? See any tell-tale signs?

• People in IT aren’t listening and “talk technical” all the time.
• Computer systems are “getting in the way” of business progress.
• Strategic development is being hampered by your IT infrastructure.
• Major projects are failing to deliver what’s promised.
• Projects are piling up and when completed are either over budget, late, or both
• Suppliers seem to be charging too much and delivering too little.
• Your organisation is embarking on a major programme of work and you are concerned about effective delivery

These common symptoms display a lack of strategic IT direction, assuming that technology can solve all of our problems. It never has and never will!
The Answer
The Answer
Definition is an independent New Zealand organisation that recognises IT is “broken” and is in dire need of fixing.

If you need advice on IT strategy in your organisation, spoken in your language, you should be talking to Definition. Our engagement model is suited to your busy schedule and allows you to have access to expert, unbiased advice if and when you need it without hidden agendas!
...stripping away the technology confusion....
...stripping away the technology confusion....
The Information Technology industry suffers from a lack of quality and clarity. It rarely follows the simple principles of knowing what you are going to get and how you will get there. During my time as CIO I was faced daily with an IT industry bombarding me with tenuous links between my business and how their technology would help us to extract more value from our product. This was generally achieved with the use of techno babble and fear in order to promote their latest products or ideas.
Alan added immense value by stripping away the technology confusion and intricacy and communicated a clear picture of the journey and the destination we should expect. Alan’s ability to design simple scenarios, despite the obvious underlying complexity, is an invaluable service and exactly what senior management need to plan for the future.
— ex-CIO New Zealand produce exporter
....a coherent overall solution....
....a coherent overall solution....
We contracted Alan Moore to lay out a framework for our transition from an outdated legacy IT platform to one capable of supporting the long term growth of the company including globalisation and distribution through multiple channels. Three years down track we are well on the way to completing an efficient and scalable IT environment. With Alan’s help we have been confident that each of our steps along the way including vendor selection and project definition have contributed to the construction of a coherent overall solution.
— CEO of major global garment manufacturer
Alan Moore
Alan Moore
Alan’s career in IT spans well over 25 years and has covered all aspects across a broad range of industrial sectors. He has a desire to continually challenge his abilities and his knowledge of IT and its strategic application. His mix of experience, enthusiasm and assurance are ideally suited to senior strategic IT roles and, with his pragmatic view of IT projects, he is able to guide any company through the rapid changes they need to make in the future in order to adapt to changes both in business and technology.